Pardoning Turkeys
No birds are pardoned in Welcome to Washington Fina Mendoza, but the Mendoza family has its own Thanksgiving traditions and family stories…like the time Fina’s mom left the gizzards inside the bird and Papa ate it anyway, thinking it was a prize hidden inside the turkey.
There were several other White House turkey events over the years - not necessarily sparing the birds from the Thanksgiving table.
It was President H.W. Bush who made the turkey pardon official in 1989 and the press has eaten it up ever since.
The pardoned turkeys are sent to zoos or animal sanctuaries, but the National Turkey Federation says their time to enjoy their freedom is short: most turkeys are lucky to live another two years.
I had the privilege to witness a turkey pardoning as a journalist. President Obama was flanked by the two first daughters, who declined their father’s invitation to pet the large white tom. I steered clear, too.